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Your Postpartum Matters

The way you are treated postpartum matters.

The way you are supported postpartum matters.

What does support in postpartum look


1. Taking the process seriously. You don't have to be a neurologist or doctor of any kind to have the sense to know that postpartum is an extremely emotional and overwhelming time in a persons life. No matter how many births they have been through, their entire body is

changing rapidly, their hormones and vitamins and minerals are depleted, they are tired and all consumed with the new life in front of them.

2. Make requests, not demands. Postpartum is one of the last spaces someone should have to fight. If they wants to sit in bed with baby, let them. If they want to get up and clean while you hold the baby, let them. Often, they will know what they needs to feel in control and at their best, they just needs those around to trust that and really hear what they are saying.

3. Remember, it's not about you. It's not about how soon after baby was born you got to be there. It's not about how heroic you were in jumping in and helping. It's not about how many meals you brought or who got to see the baby first. This time, in the world of the

newly postpartum family, is 100% about that family and the baby.

Postpartum is not a small adjustment to your life.

It is the healing of a body that has changed rapidly over 9 months. It is the rewiring of the brain. It is the total reshaping of an entire life.

The way a person is supported in postpartum makes all the difference.

Postpartum depression and anxiety is often the result of a person with no one supporting them, seeing them, hearing them, taking them seriously, helping them.

The words and needs of a postpartum person should be the top priority.

If you are being invited into a postpartum space, your job is to love and support that person 110%. Whether you are a partner, family member, friend or doula. This is your job.

xx Janice


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