Like all decisions about your body and health, there are reasons that placentophagy (consuming the placenta) might not be suitable for you. These are considered contraindications.
Some of the contraindications for placentophagy are:
Chorioamnionitis (infection of the membranes).
Maternal infection during or immediately following labor and delivery.
Neonatal infection within the first 48 hours postpartum.
Improper storage of the placenta.
Not placed on ice within 2 hours of delivery.
Refrigerated longer than 48 hours before being frozen.
Placenta not kept under 40° F for the entire storage.
Active infections that may be reacquired.
Lyme Disease
Clostridium Difficile, commonly referred to as C. Diff
When any of these contraindications are present, properly trained specialists, like myself, advise against placenta consumption. When safe handling and preparation methods are followed, prepared placenta consumption is a safe practice with undeniable evidence of benefit.
To learn more, book your complimentary consultation today.