7 symptoms of postpartum anxiety - Here are some ways that anxiety shows up in the perinatal period.
Feeling nervous or worried for a large portion of your waking time.
Irritability or anger that surprises you.
Scary or weird intrusive thoughts that are bothersome.
Frequent upset stomach, nausea, or headaches.
Trouble sleeping - beyond the disruption of sleep from tending to your child.
Getting stuck in thinking loops where you review a problem or conversation over and over again.
Often thinking about worst-case scenarios and unlikely what-ifs.
Sound familiar?
As a trained postpartum doula, I am here to help you manage anxiety and learn to ride the waves of stress, overwhelm and uncertainty you might be feeling. As well as offer referrals to mental health professionals in our community.
Reaching out is the first step.
xo Janice